Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday Mash-Up

Pretty fun week last week!  We started off the weekend by celebrating my Dad's birthday on Friday night with the whole family.  We also got a great 7 mile run in on Saturday morning at the site of the upcoming race.  Flat, yay!!!

We're getting closer to having the house ready to put on the market.  One paint match followed by some touch-ups and final cleanings, and {I think} we're there.  I even bought a couple (1 & 2) of Crate & Barrel accent pillows for our bedroom to brighten it up and make it show well.

I got off the bike trainer and onto the neighborhood roads this weekend to give the clipless pedals a try.  I was so nervous!  I mounted pretty well the first time but my first dismount was .05 seconds away from disaster.  Thank goodness Jonathan was there on my left to catch me because I was most certainly falling.  After that, I got the hang of it much better.  My left shoe and pedal combo is much harder to unclip, so for now, I am starting with my right foot clipped in and also unclipping with my right foot.  I will just switch while stopped for the time being.

We tried another recipe from Pinterest yesterday - Quinoa Cakes.  I had really high hopes for these things, then as I was making them and forming them into little patties, my hopes diminished.  Jonathan cooked them up in the large square skillet and we actually ended up really enjoying them!  Our favorite thing to put on them was Texas Pete, though I liked them just fine without anything added.

Last week, I decided I'd give the maxi skirt trend a whirl.  I ordered this skirt and can't wait for it to come on Tuesday!  (It's grey and white striped just like one I had my eye on last year at Anthropologie - I have a weakness for anything grey and white striped.)
Source: via Erin on Pinterest

Friday, January 27, 2012

House Decorating

In the midst of getting our house ready to sell, I have simultaneously been decorating our future house via Pinterest.

Pottery Barn sent an email out this morning with the picture below and a link to this article on choosing a wall color in the living room.
I wanted to document that picture and that article so that I can refer back to them later, you know, when I'm actually decorating my new house as opposed to just daydreaming about it. I can't wait to lighten up our living space!!!

I have grand plans for us this weekend of finishing all of the "to-do's" with the house that keep looming over my head.  It's time to get the show on the road and buckle down.  Wish us luck!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2012 so far ...

I've gotten clipless pedals - eek!  I started out on the trainer last night to practice clipping in and out.  If I can get 5 minutes of daylight after I get home from work one day then I may give a neighborhood ride a whirl.

We've packed lots of stuff away so we can stage the house for showing.  I hope to have it on the market in mid to late February ... it's kind of scary, really.

I've been playing Tiny Tower on my iPhone like a crazy woman.  50 floors, ladies & gentlemen!

I have not, however, been running and/or working out like I should be.  I need to get my running on schedule so that I can do well at my race in March.  It is really hard getting used to the shoe orthotics.  I also need to be biking a lot so that I'm ready for the 70.3 race, whichever race it is that I do finally choose.  I am almost worthless when it's cold outside and dark at 5:30, I tell you.

I am debating on a May rev3 race and an August WTC branded race.  I just don't know which to do & I get nervous even reading about either of them.

I've made 2 new recipes - Buffalo Chicken Rolls & Broccoli Quinoa Casserole - both quite good!

I've kept up my 'one book per month' resolution and almost finished this book (and I finished Tina Fey's book on New Year's Eve Day) -
Source: via Andrea on Pinterest

And just because I love my boy, here's a picture of him on a walk one day ... he does the cutest thing when he's super happy, just chillin' - he kind of trots and the tips of his ears flap like mini wings.  It's one of my favorite parts of my dayand I get to see it every morning after I let him out.  He comes back in and just trots down the hallway before we go upstairs for breakfast. I'm determined to get a good picture and/or video of it one day!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Welcome, 2012!

2012 feels like it's going to be a big year for us.  To start with, my goals are to:

  • Finish the 3/18/12 half-marathon in under 2:00 (1:59:59 counts!)
  • Complete a 70.3 triathlon
  • Sell our house & buy a new home
  • Make one new dinner dish every other week
  • Read one book each month
I love this picture that Anthropologie sent out in their "Revel in Renewal" email push today.