1. This week is officially one month out from the race. Panic mode incoming!
2. I knew my streak wouldn't last forever, but Sunday on my longest ride to date, I finally fell off my bike. It was while I was trying to come to a stop, although I have no idea how it happened, but I've got the bumps, scratches, and bruises to show for it. (It really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be...kind of more of a "well, that happened" moment.)
3. I officially got fed up with getting no help from two medical doctors about my ankle problems. I broke down and went to a chiropractor Tuesday morning and I actually really think this guy may help me. The others have just provided relief (oh wait, that's a lie, there's not really been much relief), and this guy is actually tackling the problem by using Active Release Technique in my calf (well, both calves, but more my left than my right). The technique hurts, but not in a "stop" kind of way. It's more of a hurts so good or a this hurts but I know this is doing some good. The areas worked were sore almost immediately - topically and deep in the muscle. This continued through the afternoon and evening, but I did go on a 5 mile run, keeping my orthotics in my shoes and minimally taping my ankles. I am so happy to say that the run went great and I felt very minimal ankle pain during the run! I was sore (from the therapy) and a little tight right after I stopped, but I iced for 15 minutes, which seemed to help. It's now Wednesday morning and the deep muscle soreness is pretty much gone, though some topical soreness remains, just to the touch. I used the foam roller last night, the stick this morning, and also did some stretching this morning. My next appointment is in a week and I am so hopeful that yet another therapy session will begin to work wonders!
*eta (because I don't want to forget): The chiro also did an 'adjustment' on both my ankles. Not really sure what all that entails, but it didn't hurt and he said it helped the alignment or something like that ... :)